Meet our new Green School Committee for the School Year 2019-2020.  We are working extremely hard behind the scenes planning our school year ahead.  The new Green Team presented a presentation at whole school Assembly, November 25th on the theme of the Marine Environment. The committee spoke about their hopes of obtaining their final Green Schools flag.

Points raised by the committee included the importance of our marine environment, threats to the marine environment, marine litter and its impact on our ocean creatures, the main sources of marine litter and why we should be concerned about marine litter.

Emily Browne summarised all of the targets that we have achieved to date on this theme and Matthew Coughlan mentioned our remaining targets to complete in order to assist in achieving our final flag.

Carmel Madigan (presented the Committee with a booklet ‘The Shapes of Fish’ – Around Our Irish Coast. Carmel has been a great asset to our Green School achievements this year and we are very fortunate to have her working with us.

Each member of the team was given his/her own personal GREEN folder to bring to their Green School Meetings to file all Green School documentation i.e. committee minutes, etc.

Well done to Emily Browne, our newly elected Chairperson of our committee this year. We wish Emily the very best in her new role! Thanks to our Principal Mr. Burns for co-ordinating the election of our new Chairperson.

Remember our ocean creatures are dying because of our trash. We can make a difference in the littlest of ways. Please keep in mind our marine green team code:

Don’t trash where we splash”.

An Coiste Scoileanna Glas

Our NEW Green Team Committee 2019-2020

Chairperson Emily Browne (6th Class), Matthew Coughlan (6th Class), Faye Ryan (5th Class), Jessica Byrne (5th Class), Ryan Fox (4th Class), Eala Whelan (3rd& 4th Class), Rianagh Murphy (3rd Class), Joe Mc Mahon (2nd Class), Kyla Freney (2nd Class), Adam Fox (1st Class), and David Lahiff (1st Class);

Zelma Power, Roisín  Collins & Jim Chambers (Co-ordinators) Green School Committee.




  (:) The Green team awaiting the result of our new Chairperson (:)