JI Mr. Duggan 2018/19

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Active School Week

Last week we celebrated Active School week. A huge range of activities were organised for the children. The aim behind holding Active School Week is to promote and encourage children to become more active. We had soccer, tennis, rugby, aerobics, hockey, athletics, cycling, basketball and yoga on offer. Many thanks to the parents, older siblings [...]

Garda Visit to Junior Infants

There was great excitement in Junior Infants on Wednesday morning when Garda David paid a visit to our class. He drove into the junior yard in the Garda van. Garda David told the children all about his uniform. The children tried on his Garda hat and vest. Garda David put his handcuffs on all the [...]

By |2018-12-04T08:49:51+00:00November 29th, 2018|Geography, JI Mr. Duggan 2018/19, JI Ms. Keane 2018/19, SPHE|Comments Off on Garda Visit to Junior Infants
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