A thuismitheoirí agus a chairde uilig, fáilte romhaibh go léir go dtí mo theachtaireacht Cásca seo. Tá sé deacair a chreidiúint go bhfuil deireadh an téarma tagtha. Gan dabt, bhí an téarma seo an-ghnóthach in amanna sár-aisteach mar gheall ar COVID-19. Buíochas le Dia, tá an t-Earrach againn anois agus smaoiním ar fhocail an fhile, Raifteirí: “anois teacht an Earraigh, beidh an lá ag dul chun síneadh”. Is iontach bláthanna deasa an Earraigh a fheiceáil ag fás i ngach áit agus an dúlra ag dúiseacht ó chodladh an Gheimhridh. Beidh an aimsir ag dul i bhfeabhas agus na laethanta ag dul i bhfad as seo amach.

Parents, my warmest greetings to you. This term has been extremely busy between remote learning and thankfully with the successful phased re-opening of our school to welcome back our wonderful pupils. I have to convey my thanks to my hard working staff for their continued dedication and I congratulate them on their achievements this term. I wish to express my gratitude to you our parents for your continued support and co-operation. Thanks to our Board of Management and our Parents’ Association for all their hard work and assistance. I wish to thank all our pupils for their energy and interest in all aspects of the curriculum, through remote learning and face to face teaching. We have the best pupils and they are a pleasure to teach. They always create a bright and cheerful atmosphere in our school.

I am sure you are all well informed of the importance to  continue to follow Public Health advice during our Easter Holidays, as per NPHET and Department guidelines,  and to limit our social contacts / play dates so as to minimise any opportunity for the virus to spread within our community, our school and our families.

I look forward to welcoming all our pupils back to school on Monday, April 12th.

I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter, enjoy a well-deserved break and feast on plenty Easter eggs!

Tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh sár-taitneamh as Laethanta Saoire na Cásca.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Fan slán,

John Burns (Principal)