Pupils from Rang I had a very exciting morning this morning. Mr. Ruane invited us to visit his office to learn all about what it is like to be principal of Barefield N.S.

First, Mr. Ruane showed us all of the files and folders he uses.

Next, Mr. Ruane drew our attention to the portraits on the wall. He talked about the school’s wonderful past principals including Mr. John Burns.

Then, Mr. Ruane showed us his diary where he records all of the tasks that need to be completed each day.

We had the opportunity to see the principal’s desk, his computers and we even caught a very brief glimpse of the school’s CCTV system.

We also learned that the controls for the school’s heating system are in the principal’s office. Nina really enjoyed turning on the heating for everybody in the school.

Finally, to the children’s delight, Mr. Ruane gave each child a spin on his chair.

We had a fabulous visit to the principal’s office!