In the Classrooms 2021/2022

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Junior Infants: School Tour and Sports Day 2022 😁😎

This June the Junior Infants had an amazing time on their first school tour to Denis Den. They had a great time playing and having fun! When we arrived back at school, the boys and girls played with their bubbles outside. It was a very enjoyable day for all. 🙌🏼😁 Junior Infants had a fun filled [...]

By |2022-07-01T20:47:41+01:00July 1st, 2022|Curriculum, General, In the Classrooms 2021/2022, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, News|Comments Off on Junior Infants: School Tour and Sports Day 2022 😁😎

Easter in Junior Infants 🐥

Last week we had lots of fun in Junior Infants. We made Easter bunny wreaths and Easter baskets which were filled with yummy Easter eggs going home. We received a surprise letter from the Easter Bunny on Friday morning to tell us that he had hidden eggs for us to find around the school yard! [...]

By |2022-04-11T15:43:49+01:00April 11th, 2022|Aistear, Celebrations, Curriculum, General, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, News|Comments Off on Easter in Junior Infants 🐥

Halloween, Halloween!

Creepy, Crawly, Halloween! The boys and girls in Junior Infants really enjoyed their 'dress up' day and Halloween Party.  A great day was had by all.  Enjoy little snippets of the fun we had together :)     

By |2022-02-13T22:06:03+00:00February 13th, 2022|Aistear, Celebrations, Drama, English, Heritage in School, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, Music, News, Religion, SESE, SPHE, Student's Council, Uncategorized, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Halloween, Halloween!

We’ve got all the solutions! ;)

Save Electricity, the Smarter Choice!  The children enjoyed Science Week.  We  took part in a Science Electricity Hunt.  The children walked around the school looking for different things that supplied electricity.  We also discussed the dangers and safety measures when using electricity.  The children really enjoyed these lessons.  The children also took part in a [...]

By |2022-02-13T22:05:32+00:00February 13th, 2022|Aistear, Geography, Green School Flag, History, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, PE, Science, SESE, SPHE, Student's Council, Uncategorized|Comments Off on We’ve got all the solutions! ;)

Junior Infants ‘Drummin and a Dancin! ;) 

Junior Infants: Drum Beats Watch Them Dance! The last two weeks the children have been taking part in Dance Lessons in the PE Hall on Friday's. The children are really enjoying these lessons. They are really working hard on their dance moves and 'shining' like little stars already.  Well done to the boys and girls [...]

By |2022-02-13T22:05:04+00:00February 13th, 2022|Artists in School, Celebrations, Curriculum, Drama, Irish Traditional Music, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, Music, News, PE, SESE, SPHE, Uncategorized, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Junior Infants ‘Drummin and a Dancin! ;) 

Junior Infants At The Doctors!

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away! The boys and girls are enjoying their first experience of Aistear in Big School.  The children are role-playing the Dr. Surgery in their different stations.  The children will spend time playing at the five different stations over a two week cycle i.e. Small World, Home Corner (Drama), [...]

By |2022-02-13T22:04:11+00:00February 13th, 2022|Aistear, Celebrations, Curriculum, Drama, English, Geography, History, JI Mrs. Power 2021/22, Learning Support, News, Science, SESE, SPHE, Uncategorized, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Junior Infants At The Doctors!

Forest School

As Forest School draws to a close in our school this year, we reminisce on what was a most wonderful experience for first class pupils. Veronica and Gráinne nurtured a great love and respect for nature and wildlife in the children through projects, art and craft activities and games. Every session was full of smiles, [...]

By |2022-02-06T17:01:08+00:00February 6th, 2022|1st Mrs. Collins 2021/22, Curriculum, General, Geography, News, Science, SESE, SPHE, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Forest School

Piet Mondrian Artwork

5th class have been taking a look at some of the most famous pieces of artwork by Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. Taking his signature use of line and primary colours the children created some animal themed artwork inspired by Mondrian's style. Have a look at just some of the finished pieces!

By |2022-01-26T22:32:20+00:00January 26th, 2022|5th Mrs. Raftery 2021/22, News, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Piet Mondrian Artwork

Science Week Scribble Bots

After some experimentation with simple circuits, series circuits and parallel circuits the children had fun assembling their very own Scribble Bots. By making a circuit involving a motor which spun a weight, vibrations were transferred to the body (and coloured markers) of the Scribble Bot. Many different patterns and designs were created by the Scribble [...]

By |2021-11-20T23:50:39+00:00November 20th, 2021|5th Mrs. Raftery 2021/22, Discover Primary Science and Maths, News, Science, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Science Week Scribble Bots
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