Today we had our annual School Sports Day. It was great to see so many parents and grandparents in attendance. Our Playschool children launched our Sports Day with the Teddy Bear Run. Numerous events took place concurrently, such as the Obstacle Race, Sack race, Sprinting, Javelin Throw, Three legged Race, Relay Racing, Long Races and many more. Our Parents’ Association kindly provided lots and lots of drinks and treats which delighted our pupils and quenched their thirst. A huge Bouncing Castle was enjoyed by all….including the staff. After lunch the highlight was the ‘tug of war’.  The final event was the annual soccer match between staff and pupils. It was most competitive and the teachers just about won! It was a really enjoyable day with the teachers and children having lots of fun. Already, we cannot wait until next year. Many thanks to Mr. McMahon for coordinating this great day and to all the teachers and parents who helped.