I would like to congratulate Conor Freney Rang V for his success in winning the ‘Name the Giraffe Competition’ to celebrate the launch of the ‘Dream Build Campaign’ for the Children’s Grief Centre in Limerick. This Giraffe was kindly sponsored by Brown Thomas.

Before the Easter holidays, Conor, his sister Kyla and his Mum Catherine thought of three names for the Giraffe:

  1. Wilma
  2. George the Giraffe
  3. Georgia (in case it is a girl)

To our surprise, we received a lovely email last week from Carol Fitz-Gough informing us that Conor had won the competition with the name of ‘Wilma’. We were informed that Olive Foley, the Children’s Grief Centre Ambassador and Carol Fitz-Gough would visit our school to present Conor and his family with the winning hamper.

Yesterday, we were delighted to welcome, Carol Fitz-Gough and Olive Foley to our school. Both Carol and Olive warmly spoke to the pupils and praised Conor and Kyla for their excellent work. They presented Conor, Kyla and their Mum Catherine with a fantastic hamper. They kindly presented a second hamper to our school. Pupils from Conor’s Rang V and Kyla’s Rang III classes were very excited to meet Olive and Carol and were delighted for Conor and Kyla.

I would like to thank the Children’s Grief Centre for organising this competition and for their excellent work both in schools and in the community.

Congratulations to Conor and his family on their excellent achievement on winning this competition. Enjoy the hampers.