In all, 128 very happy Barefield N.S. pupils from Rang IV to Rang VI inclusive  participated in the National Cycle to School Day today as part of Bike Week in conjunction with  An Taisce’s Green-Schools Travel Education Programme. They safely cycled from our school into Ennis Fire Station with 20 supervising teachers and adults accompanying them. At the Station, we were joined by many other schools. We cycled around the streets of Ennis and we all congregated at the Fair Green, where we had lunch and a picnic. We then  partook in forming the number 1.5 as part of the national campaign to ensure the adoption of a law that requires motorists to give cyclists 1.5 metres clearance when passing from the rear. On our return to school, we stopped at our friendly Lidl store where they kindly sponsored free drinks and fruit for all.

Our thanks to Róisín Garvey for organising this event for Co. Clare, to all our parents who kindly participated and to our local Gardaí and members of the Dolmen Cycling Club. It was a most enjoyable day for everyone. Keep up the cycling!