Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. On Friday evening May 1st, our Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. confirmed that our school will be closed until after the summer holidays. I am still processing the reality of his message. This announcement disappointed all of us but we realise these measures have to be taken in accordance with public health advice to keep us all safe. These are serious, unprecedented times and Taoiseach Varadkar, Minister Harris and Dr. Tony Holohan have to be complimented for the measures they are taking to mitigate against the uncontrollable spread of this terrifying and serious Covid-19 disease.

I wish to pay tribute to all our school staff who have been extremely busy over the last few weeks preparing school work, liaising with families, planning, up-skilling in online teaching and communication platforms, preparing support materials for children with special needs, office administration, school deep cleaning, etc. I also wish to praise our hard-working parents, who are combining their own working/family responsibilities, household activities with home learning. While my staff recognise the stressful circumstances many parents may find themselves in, I must also acknowledge and ask parents to understand that my staff are equally challenged with their own personal and family circumstances and are doing their very best to remotely organise home learning activities. In my opinion, we are all ‘superheroes’ doing a brilliant job during these surreal times.

It is very important for all families to know that our school staff is also there to guide any parent or child, who may be experiencing emotional anxiety or distress as a result of these difficult, challenging and worrying times. Our staff has access to excellent NEPS advice, if needed.

For the months of May and June, mainstream teachers will prepare home learning in accordance with the 3 principles detailed in the results of our Parental Survey (Page 8), already forwarded to you.  These 3 principles have been approved by our Board of Management, as the Policy for continuing education and learning in our school during this emergency school closure.

Mr. Varadkar highlighted the difficulties of some families with children who have special and additional needs. I would like to advise  parents of these children in our school to realise they are not alone.  We realise the support you receive from us might be the only support your child is receiving. We have fantastic teachers and SNAs who are missing teaching and supporting your child. Your child’s mainstream and SET teachers are there to advise of programmes for home learning, in accordance with your child’s needs. Support from your child’s SNA is also readily available as they are in weekly contact with you.

If your child requires a classbook from school, please liaise with your child’s class teacher through his/her dedicated email. The class teacher will retrieve the required book and forward it to you at a convenient time/location.

I know how disappointed the children in Rang II and Rang VI must feel as we will not be able to celebrate the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation on the dates that were originally planned. I appreciate how much you have been looking forward to these special days. Similarly, I know Rang VI pupils are greatly saddened that their Graduation Ceremony, which is their rite of passage from primary school to secondary school, has to be deferred. At this stage I am not in a position to advise of any revised dates but please be assured that you will have the opportunity to celebrate these Ceremonies, when it is safe for us to gather again.

Of course, we are also disappointed that our class school tours, our Sports Day and our team sporting leagues and matches have to be cancelled. We will miss the smiles, the fun, the excitement and the memories that make these days so special. Ach, beidh laethanta eile mar sin againn an bhliain seo chugainn, le cúnamh Dé.

Please note the following information:

  • Standardised Testing for 2019-2020 has been cancelled.
  • Class structures with their teachers have been finalised and will be emailed to you as soon as possible.
  • Booklists for next year will also be emailed to you.
  • Book Rental Scheme for 2020-2021 for Ranganna III-VI inclusive will be in operation. If interested, please email
  • Induction Information evening for parents of new pupils (via Zoom) is scheduled for Wednesday, June 17th @ 7.00p.m.
  • End of Year Class Reports will be emailed to you after June 17th. Please ensure you have the Aladdin Connect App installed on your phone.
  • School Calendar 2019-2020…please access  Teachers/SNAs will NOT issue any home learning activities for the dates:25-05-2020 to 01-06-2020 inclusive.
  • Unfortunately, a very small percentage of our parents are not responding to our teachers’ phone calls/emails. This is a source of major concern to us. Can I ask you, if you are one of these parents, to make the effort to respond to these emails/phonecalls, when contacted.
  • Our aim for the months of May and June will be to provide continuity of learning for all pupils, catering for all abilities, without causing undue stress for these children and their families.

Contact/communication details are as follows:

I wish to pay tribute to all frontline workers and especially any parent who is dealing directly with Covid-19 patients. You are inspirational, you are risking your own health for all our sakes and we are so grateful. You will definitely receive a huge ‘bualadh bos’ from us at our next Assembly.

At this particular time, I like to remember the elderly of our school community, those in Nursing Homes and our wonderful, supportive Grandparents. I hope you are all safe and keeping well.

A special thought to all Leaving Certificate students, especially our past-pupils, who are studying so hard at the moment. Mind yourselves and know we are thinking of you as you journey through these uncertain, challenging times.

Unfortunately, I am aware of parents whose businesses are in financial difficulty, who have lost their jobs or who are on reduced hours. No doubt, these times are most stressful and upsetting for all your family members. To anyone who is sick or who has lost a loved one due to Covid-19, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

To all our wonderful pupils, please remember that these are difficult times so please be very good for your Mammies and Daddies. Remember to do a simple act of kindness each day for your parents.

During the next few weeks, please keep the lines of communication open with your child’s teacher. Advise your child’s teacher if things are becoming overpowering. By working together we will endeavour to provide continuity of learning for your child but at a rate that suits your child’s needs and also your family circumstances. Parents, teachers and children are doing an amazing job. Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid.

Finally, a little wellness Reflection so please ‘stop and be’ (.b) just for a moment to think about these words:

Stay safe, stay strong, stay at home, be kind to yourself, to your family and to your neighbours. You are not alone.  Look after each other.  We are a team in this together. These times will pass.

Ní bhíonn in aon rud ach seal!

Beatha agus Sláinte oraibh go léir!

Le gach dea-ghuí,

John Burns (Principal)