Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope you and your family had a well-deserved family break over Mid-term.

Hand washing: On return to school from Monday November 2nd, I am asking that everybody re-focuses their efforts, particularly on the fundamentals of handwashing/sanitising, mask wearing and social-distancing. Hand washing is our single best defence against illness this Winter. An excellent video on handwashing produced by the HSE to view and to discuss with your family can be accessed on:

School COVID-19 Protocols: I ask you once again to re-visit our Covid-19 school protocols on our school website and to re-familiarise yourself with the details of the measures contained within, which are designed to keep all our school community safe at this time. These protocols can be accessed on: Please note that our Board of Management has approved the re-structuring of pods, if necessary. The newly re-configured pods will remain in situ until Christmas, to be reviewed again at that time.

Return to School Declaration Form: We are now introducing a new ‘Return to School Declaration Form’ through Aladdin Connect App. You must now complete this Form through the Aladdin Connect App once your child is absent from school for any reason. To enable this feature, please go to ‘Attendance’ on your Connect settings page. A ‘User Guide’ will be emailed to you during this coming week.

Ventilation: Every effort will be made to ventilate our classrooms during the day. Windows and doors will remain open to ensure good circulation of air. Consequently, please ensure your child wears enough warm clothes coming to school. It is also very important that your child brings a coat to school for lining up at dismissal times especially during wet, wintry days.

Policies: Our staff together with the Board of Management and Parents’ Association have been very busy working on developing two new Policies for our school, namely:

  • Admissions Policy/Annual Admission Notice


  • Remote Learning and Teaching Policy.

These policies are now completed and will be available on our school website by the end of this week.

Communication with Teachers: We communicate with you at present are largely via the school website, email, telephone and other online channels. Should you have any concerns regarding your child’s progress or any message for a teacher, please do not hesitate to ring the school office who in turn will put you in touch with the respective class teacher. Please do NOT meet teachers in the school yard.

Re-newed Efforts: Between now and Christmas, all of us will be required to intensify our efforts as we seek to combat this virus and ensure that it has no impact on learning and teaching in our school but more particularly, on the health of our school community. Let’s redouble our efforts to:

  • keep physical distance
  • wear a face covering
  • wash hands properly
  • reduce our social contacts.

Appreciation: These are indeed challenging times for all in our school and our wider community. As Principal, I wish to express my deep appreciation to all our parents for your on-going co-operation, support, commitment and flexibility.

I wish each of you and your families  an enjoyable school term to Christmas 2020.

Stay safe and well everyone!

John Burns  (Principal)