Create a post

From a computer:, type your login and password
From a phone/ipad, download the wordpress app and on the login screen, enter the self-hosted address “” in plus of your login/password.


6 steps:


1) type a title
2) type a text
3) select your category/categories (the category determines on what page your post will appear, you can have more than one category):
– your classroom if it’s a post for your class
– If relevant, a sub-category from “programmes” (1916, Active School, Choir…)
– If relevant, a sub-category from “curriculum” (Drama, Visual Art, SPHE…)
– “news” if you want the post to appear on the home page
4) add a featured image (your main picture)
It’s better to have low resolution pictures as it will go faster to upload in the media library. Also landscape pictures look better. There is the possibility to crop the pictures with WordPress. It’s the school policy not to have pictures with only one child.
5) optional: you can add more pictures in your post by clicking the add media button
6) At this stage you can publish straight away or 7) save as draft.

When you have published a post, you can check how it looks in the website (list and detail).

If the post doesn’t appear on the website: Refresh the page (F5). If the post still doesn’t appear, there are 3 possibilities: It has not been published Or the category has not been selected Or the published date is in the future

Click here for more tips on posts

Click here to know how to create an event

Add a downloadable file


5 steps:

1) type a title
2) select your file (preferably PDFs)
3) select the icon (PDF if your doc is a PDF)
4) select your category

5) publish

When you have published your downloadable file, check if it has been added in the right page


If you have any question, email