Today was a very busy day. We has lots of coaches showing new and exciting skills and sports.

Tom and a team of members from Ennis Golf Club came and showed us the basic skills of golf.  We practiced some putting and chipping.

Mark continued with skipping workshops and finished the day with a demonstration of all the skipping tricks and skills learned over the last two days. It was very impressive.

Liam organised a hurling blitz with First, Second and Third classes. It was enjoyed by all.

Nathan and his friend from Limerick Hockey club came to show us some hockey skills. They were very impressed with our skill levels especially since we have never played hockey before!

Brian and his assistant came and did a Taekwondo workshops with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th classes. Some of his students attend the school and showed us their impressive moves!

Local celebrities, the Guilfoyle Family, from RTE’s Ireland’s Fittest

Family, put us through our paces and set up an obstacle course. They also made us ‘Hang Tough’ by trying to hold on to a high horizontal bar for as long as possible. Ayesha and Callum were the champions from Ms O’Connor’s class.

It was a fun-filled and very active day. Looking forward to tomorrow which promises to be another very exciting day.