Dear Blue Star Programme School,

Hope you are well! We have some exciting news for your school today regarding your great work with the Blue Star Programme.

Since the inception of the Blue Star Programme back in 2011, we have been very impressed by the work so many pupils and teachers have put into the Programme. We are extremely grateful to all those who take part in the Programme and make it such an important part of their daily classroom life.

In order to acknowledge the fantastic continuous involvement from so many schools up and down the country, over the past few years we’ve decided to reward those who have participated in the Programme for 5 years with a specially commissioned 5-Year Achievement Award.

This year, we are delighted to have thirteen primary schools up for the award, and we are thrilled to announce that your school will be receiving the honour this year!

Barefield N.S., Co. Clare

Congratulations to you all! 😊

We will be in touch in the coming weeks with more information regarding how we plan to present your school with the award, in accordance with public health guidelines.

Overall, we would just like to say thank you for your 5 years of participation in the Blue Star Programme. It is a great testament to the hard work and commitment of the pupils and teachers in your school – we hope you will enjoy sharing the good news with them! 😊

Best wishes,

The Blue Star Programme Team

Blue Star is a vast program that aims to highlight the positive input from the EU in our daily lives. It involves culture, food, history, business and education and aims to help children and their families to grasp the importance of Europe.
Barefield NS has been involved in 5 of these programs and it has been an integral part of geography and history. We celebrate European music day every year in the same vein as this.