Board of Management

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Helping Suffering Animals of Australian Wildfires

Five girls from Rang IV are organising a fundraiser to help injured animals affected by the Australian wildfires.  The five girls are Faye Mannion, Holly Sheerin, Cliodhna O'Loughlin, Rachel Kerins and Leah O'Connor. They are organising a cake sale on Wednesday, February 26th. Parents will be requested to contribute  baked goodies and each pupil will [...]

By |2020-01-22T23:26:36+00:00January 22nd, 2020|Board of Management, Geography, News, Parents' Association|Comments Off on Helping Suffering Animals of Australian Wildfires

Come Along To Our Open Afternoon, Thursday, January 23rd, 2.00p.m. to 3.30p.m.

All parents / guardians of new pupils enrolling for September 2020 are invited to attend our Open Afternoon on Thursday, January 23rd, 2.00p.m. to 3.30p.m.,  when you will be offered the opportunity to see our school in action, to meet our staff, to view our facilities and class rooms. Looking forward to meeting you.   [...]

By |2020-01-08T14:43:05+00:00January 8th, 2020|Board of Management, Celebrations, News, Parents' Association|Comments Off on Come Along To Our Open Afternoon, Thursday, January 23rd, 2.00p.m. to 3.30p.m.

Visit of His Excellency, Mitsuru Kitano, Japanese Ambassador to Ireland

It was an exciting and historical school day  on  Friday 13th December for the  pupils of Barefield N.S. Japanese  Ambassador Mitsuru Kitano was especially invited to launch our Art Exhibition on Great Masters of the Ocean completed by our sixth class pupils under the tuition of our renowned local artist Carmel Madigan. The walls of [...]

By |2019-12-15T10:18:05+00:00December 14th, 2019|6th Mrs. Corrigan/Mrs. Daffy 2019/20, 6th Mrs. O'Connor 2019/20, Artists in School, Board of Management, Celebrations, Geography, Green School Flag, Irish Traditional Music, Modern Languages, Music, News, Parents' Association, SPHE, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Visit of His Excellency, Mitsuru Kitano, Japanese Ambassador to Ireland

New Facilities at Barefield N.S.

Instead of 'Room To Improve', it was 'Classrooms to Improve' during our Summer Holidays. We had a 7 week window to complete 5 major new facilities by our back to school deadline of 28-08-2019.  A huge workload within this short timeframe!  Our projects consisted of: (1) state of the art  Classroom for children with autism [...]

By |2021-10-02T11:37:15+01:00September 15th, 2019|ASD Class, Board of Management, Celebrations, News, Special Need Education, Uncategorized|Comments Off on New Facilities at Barefield N.S.

Fáilte ar ais

Barefield National School reopens Wednesday 28th August! A big Fáilte ar ais to all pupils! School starts at 9.20 and finishes at 3.  All Junior Infants finish school at 12.15 until Friday 6th September. Please note the area at the front of the school is for dropping off pupils only, not for parking.  The space at [...]

By |2019-08-28T15:32:51+01:00August 27th, 2019|Board of Management, General, News|Comments Off on Fáilte ar ais

Board of Management Annual Review of Anti-Bullying Policy

The Board of Management of Barefield N.S. wishes to inform parents that the annual review of the school's Anti-Bullying Policy and its implementation was completed at the Board meeting, dated 21-05-2019. This review was conduct in accordance with the checklist set out in Appendix 4 of the Department's Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools.

By |2019-05-24T10:51:03+01:00May 24th, 2019|Board of Management, News, Parents' Association|Comments Off on Board of Management Annual Review of Anti-Bullying Policy
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