

Scooting, Walking and Cycling for National Scoot to School Week!

Today marked the beginning of National Scoot to School Week 2021. Our bicycle racks were full today. We were thrilled to see such a fantastic response from the pupils and parents of Barefield N.S. Well done to everybody who has gotten involved so far!  

March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Active School Flag, Green School Flag, News, PE|

Barefield National School Prospectus

Welcome to our updated school Prospectus. I invite you all to read it at your leisure. In our Prospectus you will find interesting information about the vibrant life of our school – a summary of our school’s activities, staff, daily routines, curriculum, extra curricula activities, achievements and ethos. Our aim [...]

March 19th, 2021|Categories: News|

National Scoot to School Week (March 22nd-26th)

Next week is National Scoot to School Week (March 22nd-26th). We are asking you to scoot, walk or cycle to school next week, where possible. By participating in National Scoot to School Week,  you will be showing your support for a greener, healthier environment. You will also be getting active, [...]

March 18th, 2021|Categories: Active School Flag, Curriculum, Green School Flag, News, PE, SESE, SPHE|

Lá Glas Iontach

Bhí lá iontach againn inniu ar scoil ag céiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Lá Fhéile Pádraig. Bhí na daltaí go léir ag gáire, ag seinm ceoil, ag caitheamh dathanna glasa agus ag baint spraoi as na gníomhaíochtaí a bhí sa scoil. Chuir ár mBanna Céilí seisiún ceoil sár-mhaith ar siúl [...]

March 16th, 2021|Categories: Celebrations, Gaeilge, Music, News, Visual Arts|

Lá Glas

The boys and girls of Rang 1 dressed up today to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. We hope that you have a lovely day tomorrow. Enjoy & Stay safe.

March 16th, 2021|Categories: News|

We went green for ‘Lá Glas’

We had a great day today as we celebrated St Patrick’s Day ☘️ and the end of ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ with ‘Lá Glas’. Rinne  na páistí an iarracht éadaï glas a chaitheamh agus bhí siad ag féachaint go hálainn. We also made some dancing shamrocks to hang up at home. [...]

March 16th, 2021|Categories: Celebrations, Gaeilge, News, SESE, Visual Arts|

Gaeilge, Craic agus Ceol!

Bhí seachtain iontach againn i Rang 2 ag caint as Gaeilge, ag damhsa, ag canadh agus ag seinm ceol. We had great fun this week as we celebrated all things Irish- music, dance & song. We danced ‘Cuir bróg ar an asal’ agus ‘Ballaí Luimní’ sa halla to music by [...]

March 12th, 2021|Categories: Gaeilge, Music, News, Uncategorized|

La Fhéile Pádraig

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh go léir! Is é Dé Céadaoin seo chugainn Lá Fhéile Pádraig. Mar is eol duit, ní bheidh ár scoil oscailte ar an lá sin. Mar gheall ar Covid-19, ní bheidh aon Pharáid Lá Fhéile Pádraig ar siúl. Cé go mbeidh gach duine sa bhaile, déanaigí bhúr ndicheall [...]

March 12th, 2021|Categories: Celebrations, News, Religion|
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