Green School Flag

Green School Flag2017-02-03T12:56:35+00:00

Barefield School has been awarded five Green Flags to date, including the Litter and Waste Flag, Energy Flag, Water Flag, Travel Flag and Biodiversity Flag. This year the Green-Schools Committee is working hard towards achieving our Global Citizenship: Litter and Waste Flag. This theme revisits the first Green-Schools theme of Litter & Waste. The theme of Global Citizenship Litter and Waste helps us to understand the world’s interdependency. Our actions affect people all over the world.

As part of our work for the Green-Schools programme, we created a Garden of Global Friendship for the whole community to enjoy. With the help of Carmel Madigan, the pupils created different objects from recycled material to symbolise the Earth and Global Friendship.

We have also recently applied to exhibit at the Green-Schools Expo in 2016.

The programme has been extremely beneficial to the pupils. It has greatly developed both their global and environmental awareness.

Pictured above are the Green-School committee members during a Green-Schools Global Citizenship Litter & Waste Workshop with Birgit O’ Driscoll.

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