

All Bugs are Welcome!

The Green Schools Committee had a very busy afternoon on Friday. Ms. Buckley taught the children how to construct a bug hotel with assistance from Ms. Callinan. The children really enjoyed the lesson and they did an amazing job! Many bee, wasp, ladybird, butterfly and moth species hibernate for the winter. We hope that our [...]

By |2021-10-11T17:39:59+01:00October 11th, 2021|Curriculum, General, Geography, Green School Flag, News, Science, SESE, SPHE|Comments Off on All Bugs are Welcome!

A Visit to Mr. Ruane’s Office

Pupils from Rang I had a very exciting morning this morning. Mr. Ruane invited us to visit his office to learn all about what it is like to be principal of Barefield N.S. First, Mr. Ruane showed us all of the files and folders he uses. Next, Mr. Ruane drew our attention to the portraits [...]

By |2021-10-02T11:20:20+01:00September 30th, 2021|1st Mrs. Collins 2021/22, Curriculum, General, Geography, History, News, SESE, SPHE|Comments Off on A Visit to Mr. Ruane’s Office

Lessons with Ms. Buckley

Ms. Buckley is currently on placement in our school. She visited our classroom today and taught two lovely lessons.  The children listened to a beautiful story called "Cloudette" by Tom Lichtenheld. They read some of the story, discussed it and answered questions based on the story. Afterwards, pupils were treated to a fabulous autumn collage [...]

By |2021-10-02T11:32:02+01:00September 21st, 2021|1st Mrs. Collins 2021/22, Curriculum, Drama, English, Geography, News, Science, SESE, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Lessons with Ms. Buckley

Bike Week: COW Day (Cycle on Wednesday)

Here are just some of the pupils, parents and staff members who cycled, scooted or walked to school this morning on National COW Day (Cycle on Wednesday). Well done everybody!      

By |2021-09-15T17:58:06+01:00September 15th, 2021|Active School Flag, Celebrations, Curriculum, Geography, Green School Flag, News, PE, SESE, SPHE|Comments Off on Bike Week: COW Day (Cycle on Wednesday)

Music with Elvie Miller

This morning, as part of the Creative Schools programme,  the two first classes were lucky enough to have a music lesson with Elvie Miller. Elvie brought her piano accordian into the classrooms and taught the children some fun and catchy songs including 'Hello', 'What are you Wearing? and 'Hop Little Bunny.' Afterwards, down in the [...]

By |2021-06-25T16:28:14+01:00June 25th, 2021|1st Mrs. Collins 2019/20, 1st Mrs. Kilcawley 2019/20, Curriculum, Drama, Irish Traditional Music, Music, News, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Music with Elvie Miller

School Tour to Bunratty

Today pupils from Rang I and Rang II went on their school tour to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park. First the children explored the castle, including The Main Guard, the Earl's Bedroom and the Great Hall where the Earl gave his judgements while sitting in his Chair of Estate. They particularly enjoyed hearing about the [...]

By |2021-06-18T17:24:06+01:00June 18th, 2021|1st Mrs. Collins 2019/20, Curriculum, English, General, Geography, History, News, SESE, SPHE|Comments Off on School Tour to Bunratty

Marine Week 2021

We are celebrating Marine Week this week. Today we learned all about sharks and we even learned how to draw one!

By |2021-04-21T15:36:39+01:00April 21st, 2021|1st Mrs. Collins 2019/20, Celebrations, Curriculum, English, General, Geography, Green School Flag, News, Science, SESE, SPHE, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Marine Week 2021

Happy Science Week!

This week is Science Week and we have been learning all about sound, vibrations and sound waves. We completed the paper cup/phone experiment and the rice/drum experiment. Each pod also picked a scene and created their own sound effects to suit the scene using cubes, paper, plastic, pasta, rice and various other materials.  

By |2020-11-12T16:40:24+00:00November 12th, 2020|1st Mrs. Collins 2019/20, Curriculum, English, General, Geography, Music, News, Science, SESE, Visual Arts|Comments Off on Happy Science Week!
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