5th Ms. O’Connor 2017/18

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Lus Gréine

Léamar scéal faoi lus gréine sa leabhar Gaeilge ar an Luan. Mar sin, shocraigh orainn síolta lus gréine a fhás sa ghairdín na scoile. Cheannaigh an múinteoir mála síolta agus chuireamar síolta lus gréine sa talamh inniu. Tá comórtas ar siúl sa rang anois - Cé leis an lus gréine is airde? Beimid ag féachaint [...]

By |2018-06-01T11:26:26+01:00May 24th, 2018|5th Ms. O’Connor 2017/18, Gaeilge, Geography, Science, SESE|Comments Off on Lus Gréine


Children from 5th class took part in Bizworld on Thursday and Friday. This is a programme aimed at promoting entrepreneurship skills in children. Aoife McDonagh from Bank of Ireland facilitated the workshops. The children came up with many creative business ideas. They discussed their ideas, applied for positions in their companies and marketed their businesses. [...]

By |2018-04-26T23:06:44+01:00April 22nd, 2018|5th Mr. Murray 2017/18, 5th Ms. O’Connor 2017/18, General, Mathematics, News, SPHE|Comments Off on Bizworld

Green Fingers in Fifth Class

Fifth Class pupils had a wonderful afternoon recently in our school garden! Mr. Murray bought mint, rosemary, rhubarb, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, and bedding plants for the pupils to plant. Our fantastic student teachers, Maria and Cian, gave great advice, guidance and support to the pupils and ensured that it was an informative and fun experience.

By |2018-04-22T10:07:54+01:00April 22nd, 2018|5th Mr. Murray 2017/18, 5th Ms. O’Connor 2017/18, Geography, Green School Flag, News, Science, SESE|Comments Off on Green Fingers in Fifth Class

Easter Hunt

A very enjoyable Easter Hunt, organised by the Active School's Committee, was held at school on Wednesday. Team members had to work together to locate points on a map, run to each location and solve questions. All team members were very active during the event as all members had to return to the Base station [...]

Seachtain na Gaeilge & Lá Glas

Bhi am iontach againn i mbliana i gcóir Seachtain na Gaeilge. Rinneamar ár ndicheall Gaeilge a labhairt i rith an lae agus timpeall na scoile. Chualamar na páistí ag caint Gaeilge sa chlós, ar na staighrí, sa leabharlann agus sna seomraí ranga.  Comhghairdeas le gach duine as an iarracht den scoth a rinneadh chun  Gaeilge a [...]

Trip to Dublin

Fifth Class went to Dublin on an educational tour last Friday. We arrived at Kilmainham Gaol at 11am and were shown around by three very enthusiastic and interesting guides. We visited the cells of famous political prisoners involved in the 1916  Rising, the church where Joseph Mary Plunkett married Grace Gifford hours before his execution. [...]

By |2018-03-12T21:03:29+00:00March 12th, 2018|1916 Commemoration, 5th Mr. Murray 2017/18, 5th Ms. O’Connor 2017/18, Active School Flag, Field Trips, History|Comments Off on Trip to Dublin
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